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If I was in church, I'd raise my hand and say, "Amen...Preach on, sistah!" :)
Wonderful and insightful post!


It's one of those things that no one really thinks about, but it SO important!

Wouldn't you rather have happy people making the magic happen at your wedding.

Fantastic point about being in earshot! As DJ's & Emcees there is very little down time and it SO important not to miss a thing!

Still - I always have my "emergency food" on hand in case of a forgotten vendor meal.

Never something I have to worry about when I work with Sasha though : )!

saundra, event engineer

Thank you for this great post.

I believe it is our job as planners to educate both the caterers and our clients. One upscale venue near me never heard of providing vendor meals. Could not believe it! They got 'schooled'.

I'm surprised that some planners have "in their contracts" that they and their staff must be provided a hot meal. Do we really have to spell that out? It saddens me to think so.

Vicky @ Event Accomplished

Amen! Thanks for telling our clients to stand up to their caterers! It just drives me batty when I ask the caterer to at least feed the other vendors up front and they look at me like I have 4 heads. Yes, I understand their first priority is the guests, but their first priority should be the bride and groom. Letting the other vendors do their job effectively because they ate early make the bride and groom happy. Period.

Tim Halberg

Thank you for posting this. What a great article. I can't believe that caterers don't think of this themselves.

I tend to review caterers by the food they serve to me. I can't exactly review food I haven't eatin, so the only caterers on my referral list are ones who have taken care of me as well as my clients.

I'm always appalled by the local Biltmore hotel and how they find the need to always serve a VERY CRAPPY boxed lunch to vendors... and the one time the bride had paid to allow us to go through her buffet, the staff stopped us and wouldn't allow us to eat and insisted that we could only have a boxed lunch...

Dianne @ Colorblind Productions

I absolutely LOVE this post. LOVE. When I work as a dj I find it totally unreasonable to be served dinner last. As they serve me, they are cleaning the plates off other guests making it time for me to start opening up the dancefloor. I don't understand why some caterers just don't get this simple fact. And I applaud those that do.

Becky Brock

Fabulous article! We have this in our contract, but I can't tell you how many times I have to explain this to annoyed clients.

Hot food = happy vendors.


Thanks for the tips. As a bride-to-be ever since my fiance bought me a diamond engagement ring from www.idonowidont.com (I still can't believe I'm engaged, ladies!) we have been wedding planning 24/7 and will make sure that the vendors are fed well for their hard work. its totally important!

Larissa Banting

Thanks so much for this. Reminds me of a big wedding at the Marriott - guests were noshing on lobster and steak, we were fed sandwiches, bag of chips and a bottle of water. Oh, and they ran out. So the photographer, myself and the videographer had to eat the left over appetizers from the guest meals. Seriously. No one is expecting to eat the same meal as the guests but a decent hot meal should be the norm.
Had the bride (who was ahem a Bridezilla) spent a second thinking about all the people making her special day a reality, she would have gotten a lot more out of them. The crummy food was the last straw - nobody went above or beyond that day. She didn't appreciate the vendors, it showed and they knew it.

Or the couple who didn't provide vendor meals for the wedding at an all-inclusive in the middle of nowhere (you cannot get a cracker at a resort if you're not a guest). Vendors had to run to the small nearby town to try to find a little cafeteria open. After that, I included the 4-hour=meal clause in the contract. Fed vendors = happy vendors.


This is such a great post. I hope every bride-to-be takes the time to read the informative info that you took the time to write! It was so insightful. Thanks so much!

Amanda Auer

As a coordinator- I love this post! I totally feel every bit of it!! May have to link to think on my blog! :) You go, Sasha!!

k* to the b*

and this is one of the many reasons why your events are the best Sasha, you take care of your people.

And yes, the band always eats all the food. My contract says 'hot vegetarian meal' and it never fails that some band member decides they want to 'eat healthy' that day and take my meal in addition to the one they just chomped on.

I think the worst 'vendor meal' I was served was a bucket of KFC and baked beans. When I told them I was veg they went into the kitchen and came back with 4 pieces of iceberg lettuce. No joke. What a slap in the face.

Bella Signature Design

Yes, yes YES! I don't know how many times as a vendor I have been fed the dreaded "box lunch' which is usually a sandwich with no condiments and packets of mayo & Yellow mustard on the side, and a bag of chips. Seriously? Not inspiring me to go above and beyond ;) hot food, a 5 minute break to eat it in and some caffeine - I'm rearing to go another 6 hours! I love the idea of writing it into the contracts - bands do it, why not the planner too? After all, it's the planners job to look after all the vendors and make sure they perform at their best, and this is one of those issues that is often overlooked by brides or seen as not important. Thanks for a great post Sasha!

Bella Signature Design

Kelly Oshiro


You don't want to see me with low blood sugar!


I LOVE this post. I am a huge opponent of the "boxed lunch". I recently had a caterer provide a vegetarian photographer (yes, we specified vegetarian in advance) who had worked for about 6 hours straight with big hunks of sausage in the middle of their dinner and then told them they'd have to pick around it.


Thanks for the tips! I will keep this in mind - I want to keep them happy!!

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